Choosing Respect!

In Early Years, we started our week in a reflective way, as we thought about Remembrance Day and the symbol of the poppy. The children felt that it was a very important day “because there was fighting and people died”. They decided to make poppies during their choosing time, and really enjoyed the story Stubby, read to them by the school captains.

Odd Sock Day, to mark Anti-Bullying week, had us thinking all about how special it is to be unique and different from one another, and how difference is to be celebrated! We listened to a song to help us remember to Choose Respect, and read stories that celebrated difference and kindness. We even worked together to find odd socks all over the forest, and found matching pairs as part of our maths learning!

The children have continued their work in Literacy, having read our core text ‘I will not ever NEVER eat a tomato’ by Lauren Child. They have enjoyed thinking about their favourite foods and have used the sounds that they have been learning to write captions for their pictures to create our class display. In the story, Charlie plays a trick on Lola to get her to eat her food… we decided to give this a go ourselves! We thought about how a carrot could be disguised as… “a snowman’s nose”, “a unicorn horn” or even “a point from a star”! Some of the children then enjoyed using a carrot as a paintbrush and created some wonderful paintings.

Early Years have been learning about how important it is to look after their teeth, by brushing them and eating healthy food. This week, we discussed what it is like when you visit the dentist. The children were able to share their own experiences of when they have visited the dentist. They enjoyed acting out a dentist visit during choosing time.

Ash and Saplings thoroughly enjoyed their Learning Together Morning with their grown ups, sharing their learning and activities so eagerly. With a focus on our Food topic, children were busy making fruit out of play doh and pizzas from our loose parts and shapes. Collages were created, of food they liked and disliked, and dinners on paper plates were drawn. There were also plenty of spellings games for the children to choose from and share the sounds that they know with their adults. It was a very busy and happy morning in the classroom!