Welcome back to the last half term of the year!
This week we explored what it means to show empathy. we looked at the difference between empathy and sympathy and talked about the power of empathy in helping us to truly understand the feelings of others. We learnt that being empathetic helps to build our resilience and equips us with the necessary skills to come out on top no matter what life throws at us. Empathy really is our superpower!
In Computing this week we had fun making name badges using micro:bit. A micro:bit is a tiny computer which needs instructions in code to make it work. We used sets of instructions for the computer in a sequence. These are called algorithms or programs. Using the MakeCode editor, we created instructions in code that the micro:bit could understand and then transfer them to the micro:bit. The micro:bit has an LED display output which it can use to show words – very impressive!
Anyone for tennis? We impressed Matt, our sports coach, this week with our terrific tennis skills and how we were able to serve and return over the net. Is that Wimbledon calling?!
Despite a chill in the air, it was good to see the sun shining during our Forest session. Just the perfect conditions for a spot of bug hunting, hide and seeking and delightful digging!
Thank you for joining us for our Learning Together Morning this week. Together we learnt more about Gilwell Park, the destination of our upcoming residential trip. It was an opportunity to share packing tips and ask plenty of questions. Not long to wait before we go – time to dig out the sleeping bags!
Name that tune! From woodwind to brass and a few others in between, Music For Schools entertained us this week with music from Disney blockbusters to theme tunes from TV shows. We learnt about how sound is made from vibrations, and how there are just seven notes to learn! Did you know that the first flute is said to date back to approximately 45,000 years ago and made from animal bone?
We have been delving into the past and finding out about entertainment during the Victorian era. We discovered that the popular Punch and Judy puppet shows originated in Italy and were first mentioned in the diaries of Samuel Pepys in 1662! We have been busy using our new found knowledge to create interesting title pages for our puppet project complete with transcriptions of the exaggerated facial features of the puppets. Next, we planned our design to make our own Punch and Judy inspired puppet and began to model the face using newspaper. Watch this space to see how our puppets progress over the next few weeks!
Is that wedding bells we hear? And finally, we said a huge congratulations to Connor as he prepares for his wedding! We hope the big day goes well and all wish him many years of happiness!
Have a lovely weekend!