The hammock was high on the list of things that Lime class wanted to do today and they were keen to get it tied up and start chillaxing! They heard all the safety rules and then began to queue up 2 at a time and shared it brilliantly. The tree was also very popular today with a big queue at the bottom of that too. A bucket was filled with a huge pile of mud and then distributed to anyone who wanted some, while a very imaginative game turned the forest underwater, with sticks being used as snorkels.
Willow were slightly apprehensive about the hammock and were worried they were too grown up to climb aboard but that soon subsided and they were lying back enjoying themselves. A prison was created for someone (even though they’d committed no crime) but they didn’t seem to mind being captive! A great collection of stones, leaves and sweet chestnuts were being brought together as part of a business, while a metal detector found 2p! They spent ages trying to clean the coin to find which far-off year it came from…1998!
The misty morning hadn’t quite lifted yet and the littlest forest explorers were very interested in the fog hanging in the air. The cobwebs were all damp too and you could see where the spiders had been busy at work. They investigated the webs and then got busy in the forest. The hammock was very popular and they tried very hard to share 2 at a time again. They also enjoyed the rope swing and found all of the sweet chestnuts on the floor and tried to crack some of the closed shells open.
Beech also found the cobwebs very interesting but were mainly excited about having another go in the hammock! They also made several restaurants, serving burgers and pizza mainly. They topped green leaves with various ingredients (sweet chestnuts were mushrooms and yellow leaves were cheese) and squished mud into burger patties. The sweet chestnuts were the main source of fun for another group too, they collected so many of them and tried to see who could make the biggest pile.
Maple were fascinated with the Sweet Chestnuts and immediately began to collect them in a bucket. They loved that the spikey outer shell looked like butterflies or bowls and used them in a number of businesses. There was a Chocolate Cake shop, which even had a delivery service (especially handy if you were lounging around in the hammock). There was also a group that made very clever looking cake pops and also some mud that someone decided was dough.