This week in Early Years, we have been looking at a new story in Literacy called The Mixed Up Chameleon. The children enjoyed seeing all the different colours that the chameleon changed into. Ash class were able to write sentences describing the colour that the chameleon changed to whilst Saplings could remember and recall the different colours and places the chameleon travelled to.
We have been very busy preparing for our sports day, we can’t wait! The children have really impressed us with how well they are able to dribble a ball using a hockey stick, jump over hurdles and balance carefully during egg and spoon races. The grown ups are really impressed with their abilities.
During carpet time, we have continued thinking about how much we have grown since being a baby. The children could explain why babies need things such as bibs, nappies and highchairs. The children knew how important it was to eat and sleep well to help them grow. We also talked about how snakes grow, thanks to Leila for bringing in a shedded snake skin! It was fascinating to see and we talked about how snakes shed their skin as they grow bigger.
In maths, we have continued thinking about positional language. The children worked in partners and gave instructions as to where to put their mini-mes. Examples included, “put her on top of the making area”, “put him underneath the mat” and “put him next to the whiteboard”. There was plenty of correct mathematical language being used.
On Friday morning the Ash children took advantage of the fact that Beech class were on a trip and went and had a sneaky peek at their new classroom. They explored where everything is and had a had a story on the carpet. They are looking forward to visiting again next week!