17.11.2023 Make a noise about bullying!

This week, it was Anti-bullying week and the theme was: Make A Noise About Bullying. Children had the opportunity to draw their personal network with their trusted adults in school, watch videos and discuss different scenarios, understand the difference between banter and bullying. As a result, they made powerful posters to remind all to talk to a trusted adult and speak up!

In English, we wrote diaries in role of Margaret Knight. Margaret was a brave and strong woman, who went to court and stood up for her rights! After 16 long days of testimony, Margaret convinced the Commissioner of Patents that she should be granted a patent for her paper bag machine – the first woman in American history to win a patent lawsuit.

In Geography, children worked in groups, chose one continent, researched and found out about key geographical features. They also asked to look at different flags of the countries of their continent. They then presented interesting facts to the class in a loud and clear manner!

In D.T.  we have been practising sewing stitches and we have been creating a Christmas decoration. That requires patience and creativity! Our next sewing project is a case! Did I tell you that the outcome is beautiful? You will love it!

In our recent science classes, we’ve been learning about how to group and identify different living things. We have used a variety of classification keys to determine not just what group an animal belongs to but also its specific name. By being nature detectives, we’re discovering the diverse world of living organisms and how they relate to each other.