Our School
On behalf of the governors, staff and children it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. The years spent in primary school are among the most paramount in every child’s education and we realise the important decision you are having to make in choosing the right school for your child. Little …
About Us
Little Hadham School was built in 1861 as a church school. In 1952 the school began a County Primary School. New buildings were added in 1971 and the school house was demolished in the late nineties and a new classroom built in 1966. In 1999, a new staff room and a cloakroom/group room was built …
Vision, Aims & Values
At Little Hadham Primary School we are committed to providing an education for all of our pupils that will ensure that they are successful and confident members of the community and have an embedded life-long love of learning. We will do this by: Developing the values of respect, honesty and equality; Promoting emotional well-being through …
As a Community School, Little Hadham Primary School follows the County Policy for Admissions. Parents apply direct to the County. Nursery (EYFS1) pupils join our Early Years Unit in the September of the academic year in which they are four years old. In Saplings Class (EYFS1) our pupil admissions number (PAN) is 26 places. Reception …
Headteacher Ms Sinead Connolly Early Years Mrs Louise Webb Mrs Tori Neal Class Teacher Class Teacher Mrs Toni Lammin Higher Level Teaching Assistant Ms Holly Lane 1:1 Teaching Assistant Beech (Y1 and Y2) Miss Natasha Goslitski Class Teacher Miss Clare Bland Teaching Assistant Mrs Terrie Davies Teaching Assistant Lime (Y3 and Y4) Mrs Jo …
Governors are a vital part of our school. The Governing Body is made up of 13 people who bring a range of experiences and skills from various walks of life. The key role of the governing body is to support Ms Connolly and her staff in ensuring that our children are given the best possible …
Little Hadham Primary School is committed to the Safeguarding of children. Our safeguarding and child protection policies are currently under review. The Designated Senior Person for Child Protection is Ms Sinead Connolly. The Deputy DSPs are Mrs Lucy Tweedale and Mrs Jo Courtman-Stock. For further guidelines please see the NSPCC website: www.nspcc.org.uk For information on …