Statutory Information

School Contact Details

Stortford Road
Little Hadham
Herts SG11 2DX

Tel : 01279 771285

Queries can be addressed to Sonia Sillett, Office Manager,  using the following email address:

Admission Arrangements

Please see our Admissions page.


January 2021 – Lockdown 3
On Monday 4th January, the Prime Minister announced schools would sadly close for Spring 1. Whilst closed, they would also remain open for those children that require a school place and fall under the criteria of critical key worker or vulnerable worker.
On Wednesday 5th January we opened our school for our key worker / vulnerable provision. All other children were able to access our remote learning through Seesaw or Tapestry. Engagement statistics by the end of week 1 were already over 95%! The team effort of parents, children and staff was quite exceptional. This remote learning provides all children with a full day of learning, through a combination of recorded lessons from teachers and multimedia resources that support independent learning at home.
If you are a critical key worker and have not yet applied for a place then please contact our school office to request a place. If there is another non key worker parent working from home that could supervise your child while they work online, please consider not requesting a place.
If any families are struggling for the right technology, the should email and Ms Connolly will do her best to loan a school device to your child.

Understanding Covid Symptoms
For support with understanding the latest covid symptoms please always refer to the latest NHS advice at the link below:

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted Inspection Reports on the Ofsted website

Exam and Assessment Results

Performance Tables

School Performance Tables


Please see our Learning section.

Behaviour Policy

School Complaints Procedure

Pupil Premium

PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools

Sex and Relationship Education (RSE)

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Hertfordshire Local Offer

Equality Objectives

Governors’ Information

Please see our Governors page.

Charging and Remissions Policy

Dress Code

Our dress code consists of activewear with a branded top.

Items can be purchased from:

Garbmann Ltd

Fosters School Wear

Values and Ethos

Please see our Vision, Aims & Values page.

Requests for Paper Copies

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, we will provide this free of charge.