19th April – Welcome back!

Welcome back to a new term!

We have begun the summer term with a new History topic – The Anglo-Saxons. We kicked this off by finding out who they were, where they lived and then placing them in history using the iron age, the Romans and the Vikings as points of reference.

In Science we have been thinking about forces and what they are. We acted out some situations and decided what forces we were experiencing. We finished off by defining what a force is and what it does.

For English we loved learning about the Saxon hero Beowulf and hearing his grisly story. We have written some gripping retellings!

In Maths we have been looking at tally and bar charts as part of our data handling strand. We enjoyed collecting data, representing in different ways and then asking and answering questions about our results. We also used our times tables to help us work out the different scales for our y axes.

We begun our gymnastics sessions by thinking about movement, tension and points and patches of balance.

In RE the year 3 children made cubes representing themselves where each face showed how they could have a different meaning to a different group of people, for example, friend, child, brother/sister, class member. This illustrated how we can be different things to different people.

In computing we have started a project to help us refine our IT skills collecting and presenting information digitally.