22nd March Showcasing creativity

Beech class has experienced numerous exciting moments this week, from our anti-racism talk to planting our freshly sprouted potatoes and adding the final touches to our fire engines. Of course, one of the main highlights of the week had to be our collaborative learning session in the morning. It was delightful to witness the children showcase their exceptional artistry as they sketched still-life pictures of flowers. The involvement of parents was truly wonderful. Thank you to everyone who was able to participate today, and for those who couldn’t make it, we’ll be hosting another learning session together in the next half of the term.

On Thursday, we observed International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. We were fortunate to have Adeola Akinde join us and engage with the children in a discussion about race. They explored questions such as why people have different skin colours and how skin changes with the seasons. They also discussed various types of hair and learned about who to tell if they encounter racism.

Planting has been a favourite activity this week, and we’re grateful to all those who generously donated seeds. The children enjoyed digging trenches for the potatoes outdoors and planting seeds into pots indoors to protect them from the cold until they grow a bit larger.

In our science lessons, we’ve been exploring shadows and how they shift in size and position throughout the day. The children had the opportunity to craft their own shadow puppets and put on a shadow puppet show in the hall.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.