I’m a Little Hadham student…Get me Out Of Here!


Lime were in a very imaginative mood this morning and everywhere you looked, a small group were busy making and playing! A group were taking it in turns telling stories in the digging zone, a monster appeared and began following people around the forest, the stick sharpening group were filing down their sticks on a log, the hammock was always busy (they did some wonderful sharing), a leaf/mud ice cream was made, a stick base was built and a rope swing was built and was perfect to dangle from. A very busy time indeed!



Willow were really enjoying learning about the Christmas Truce in WWI this morning and they brought this outside with them.  An army was patrolling and protecting their base from intruders but there was also a 6 year old in the army who kept getting in the way. The hammock was very popular again and one group basically stayed in it the whole time. For the first time in a while, a small group requested to play Eagle Eye, so they splintered off into the forest and found their best hiding places, so that the Eagle couldn’t find them.



It was a momentous day for our worms in Wormworld. They were collected in the wormery last month and it was decided that they had served their time and should be freed back into the forest today. Half were freed in early years and they really enjoyed watching them wiggle away. When in the forest, the hammock was extremely popular, as always. But they were also playing some wonderful games; a monster was chasing them around and they were roaring with laughter. A see saw was also built but didn’t last long as it was too bumpy!



Beech were worried when they found out that the worms needed to be freed. A group began digging a hole and made sure that they weren’t let loose before their new home was ready. When they were pleased with their luxury worm complex (complete with a stick fence), they began to rifle through the mud and pick out the worms and show them their new digs (this is a pun). A group that have been uncovering the paving slabs in the digging zone became obsessed with cleaning them up today. They were determined to have them spotless, so if you need your patio done, give them a call!



Maple had lots of games! A group created their own ‘I’m a Celeb’ game camping out in the forest, voted for camp leaders and took part in bushtucker trials. One trial was hanging onto the tree for 25 seconds and the other was putting your hand in a muddy bucket for 10 seconds! The muddy bucket in question was actually chilli dog mixture from a forest restaurant that had opened up. They also specialised in cookies! The digging zone was full of clay, so a couple of pots were made. They weren’t sure if they’d survive the week, as in the absence of a kiln, they just put them in the shed!