A Frosty Week


The cold and frosty start to the week did not deter the children in Saplings and Ash from enjoying their outdoor classroom. Campfires were made, sausages were fried and counting songs were sung! We kept warm by creating a balancing obstacle course and moving quickly, yet carefully around it. Ash and Saplings have also been busy helping the three little pigs make houses of straw, wood and bricks in our outdoor roleplay area. They thought of different ways to make a house of straw and wood stand but it turned out to be very tricky indeed. Houses made of bricks were a much better success and we decided they would definitely withstand a wolf trying to blow it down.

In our English lesson, we continued to explore the story, ‘Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk’. Together, we acted out the part where Jack climbed the enormous beanstalk and discussed other vocabulary for climbed such as clambered, scrambled and stepped. The children in Ash then wrote a sentence about Jack for our new classroom display. It is a real joy to see their love of fairy stories and how engaged they are during learning time on the carpet.

Our traditional tales theme carried into maths this week, as the children had to count how many different coloured magic beans they would need to build beanstalks, such as mermaid beanstalks and dinosaur beanstalks, as suggested by the children. The children also enjoyed having a picnic with either the three little pigs or the Gruffalos. They had to help make sure the characters were being fair and had the same amount of food each. They could also explain which character had more or less food.

In PSHE, we are thinking about how to stay safe and the hazards that we need to be aware of, both at home and at school. The children were very sensible and shared ideas about how they can stay safe around, for example, a kettle or sharp knives. Ash and Saplings became Safety Detectives and searched for things around the classroom that could be unsafe.