Category: ash blog

We’re going on a shape hunt!

This week, the children in early years have really enjoyed learning about shapes. We have focused on circles and triangles and discussed their features in great detail! We learnt about edges, corners (or lack thereof!) and even how the orientation of the shape does not affect the shape’s name. We made triangles using sticks and …

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Choosing Respect!

Remembrance Day, odd socks and a whole lot of fun!

A Golden end to Half Term

A fun end to our first half term.

Great Teamwork and Sharing

The children have been working so well together this week.

Learning Together

It was lovely to share busy fingers with our grown ups.

Welcome to a New School Year

We’ve had a busy start!

What An Amazing Year

Have a lovely Summer!

Thinking About Growing

Growing and changing.

Making the Most of the Sun

It’s been so lovely to see the sun at last!

The Last Half Term Already!

A new term and a chance to try new things.

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