From Odd Socks to Crazy Hair

As part of our whole school anti bullying week, Early Years have been focussing on kindness and how important it is to care for each other. Like the rest of the school we wore odd socks to celebrate our differences. We have also been reading stories and completing activities around how it’s ok to be different. During one of our forest school sessions, the children were searching for odd socks. We thought about how we’re all special, even though we aren’t the same, just like the socks.

In maths, Ash class have been using dinosaurs and numicon to help them add up to 3 whilst Saplings have been busy recognising how many dinosaurs there are without counting them.
Activities in our choosing time have been linked to our colour theme and focus book in literacy. The children have really enjoyed using brooms to paint the floor outside with poster paints. It’s a very colourful playground!

Indoors, the children have been exploring animals hiding in ice, just like Halibut Jackson liked to hide in the book. We’ve been working together to decide how we can make the ice melt more quickly. “We can put it outside in the sunshine!” was a great suggestion. The children were able to tell the adults that the ice turns into water when it melts.

In Literacy, we have finished our story of Halibut Jackson and created a clothes shop in our home corner, just like one in the story. It’s full of fancy clothes and the children are really enjoying pretending to be shopkeepers and selling the clothes for different amounts of money. Ash class have been busy writing posters for the shop and Saplings have drawn some fabulous pictures of clothes to sell.

The children have been listening to the story of the first Christmas and understanding why it is important to Christians. Some children chose to play with the nativity figures and write Christmas cards to their friends and family. We have also been finding out about Diwali and how Hindus celebrate this festival of light.

We have been learning about teeth this half term, how to look after them and what happens when we visit the dentist. Today we were looking at foods/drinks that are good for our teeth and not so good for our teeth. We spoke about how important it is to make sure we give our teeth an extra special clean at the end of the day if we have had sugar. Some children made posters to help us remember the good foods and drinks for our teeth and the not so good ones.

We ended this very busy week with lots of crazy hairstyles! Thank you for helping us support Children in Need.