Brrrrr! The cold and ice have well and truly hit their peak to start 2025! The buckets had a thick layer of ice covering them and it was great fun to break and tip over. The first 5 minutes of the session had people rushing around to try and locate some more ice until they realised the ice was all used up. A group used the remaining ice and mud to make some coca cola which then quickly morphed into a McDonald’s. Some witches arrived and flew around the forest on broomsticks and a huge devils coach horse was found!
After wrapping up as warm as humanly possible, Willow set to work on one of the most impressive shelters Little Hadham has ever seen! They wrapped all the tarp they could find around some trees to create a barrier and rearranged a whole load of logs to make a den within their newly created boundary walls. One group splintered off after finding a tiny piece of chalk and got people to sign their ‘declaration of independence’, which officially made the forest its own country! Some interesting rocks were found, while a few games of Eagle Eye were played too.
Jack Frost had visited in a BIG way again and it was minus 4 degrees! The Ash and Saplings listened to a story about Jack Frost and learned lots of fun things to do in the winter to keep themselves warm. In the Forest, someone noticed a bit of paper attached to the shed. After some excitement, they realised it was a to-do list left by Jack Frost and set to work trying to tick things off the list like…play the bean game, stay warm, de-ice the forest. They succeeded and managed to get back inside, just before toes went numb!
The Beech class children enjoyed the Jack Frost story too, although the sun began popping out by the time they were outside, so conditions were practically tropical in comparison to the previous session! Jack Frost had left another note on the shed with a few extra items to tick off, including making dragon breath and writing in the frost. They ticked the items off the list and really enjoyed the final bits of frost. They even found some ice circles and thought they could be Jack’s eyes! They also spent a long time making a warm party for everyone!
Maple class split into 5 different groups today and were very busy. To celebrate ‘snuggle a chicken day’ ( apparently), a chicken shelter for homeless chickens was created and you could sit with a chicken giving them a hug! A very realistic (and loud) game of ‘The Traitors’ was being played and unfortunately the traitors won. The new shelter made by Willow class was built upon and turned into a museum and a group were fascinated with the water butt, which was so full of ice that water would come out. So they went Ice fishing!