Lime Class 17.11.23


Making a noise!

Lime class are still busy writing and spelling with great enthusiasm as they continue to build up their stories.  Planning, proof reading and editing as they go, they are hoping to publish them into mini books before the end of term.

As another week comes to an end we have finished our Maths topic of addition and subtraction by learning about using inverses to check answers, and will be moving on to multiplication and division on Monday.

In Geography, Lime class loved sharing facts about volcanoes then using their atlases to name and locate some of the famous volcanoes of the world.  They have also read an eyewitness account of the disastrous eruption of  Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland in 2010  whilst  learning how and why a volcanic eruption occurs.

In RE the year three children had fun reenacting then drawing their favourite Christmas moments while we considered what Christmas meant to us, and what it looks like around the world.

Lime class do love a bit of PE and this week has been no exception despite the rain and the cold.  They have learnt to focus on different parts of the body in yoga, have played some great tag rugby and have been learning to dribble and shield the ball in basketball.  There were rosy cheeks and happy smiles all around!

This week has been antibullying week, which kicked off with ‘odd socks’ day, a day to celebrate being different!  The children have been reminded of what bullying is using the acronyms STOP and BOO.

STOP – several times on purpose   BOO – being mean on purpose over and over

We have also talked about what we can do if we see or experience bullying – the antibullying alliance have a great song called ‘make a noise’ which we enjoyed listening too.  We have all agreed to make sure we ‘make a noise’ about bullying.

We finished the week with our crazy, crazy hairstyles for children in need – thankyou all so much for your support!