Lime Class 3.11.23

Welcome back to the 2nd half of our Autumn term!

Our week began with the introduction of our brand new Geography topic – volcanoes!  We also used the opportunity to discuss what the subject of Geography was all about and why it was important.

We watched a clip of a professional journalist reviewing a book and talked about whether or not it made us want to read it – she was very persuasive so the answer was a resounding yes!  The text is now our class book for this half term and it is called ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’, written by Philip Pullman.  We loved the way the author played with words in the very first phrase ‘a  thousand miles ago…’ because, at first,  we thought it was a mistake!

We have also been learning how to plan and write the start of a story using a short film called ‘Bubbles’.

We thought very carefully about the character and setting and looked at a model text. Next week we will be putting all this learning together to write the beginning of our own story.

In Maths we have been adding and subtracting, making sure that we understand how to exchange hundreds, tens and ones when we need to.

For our Science lesson this week, we learned about an American Scientist called Barbara McLintock who was born in 1902.  She was awarded a Nobel prize in 1983  for her discoveries about genes and chromosomes. Over the coming weeks we are going to be finding out what it means to be a scientist and how we can learn to work scientifically.

We got very excited about our DT!  Over the coming weeks we are going to research, design, build and then evaluate an erupting model volcano!  This week was the research phase when we looked at pictures of real volcanoes, sketched them and then watched a video of an erupting model volcano to find out how it worked.

In PE we got bouncy with a bit of basketball and calmed down with some yoga! Then on Friday we had some excellent fun with a BMX workshop – we honestly never believed we could do the things we did, what an experience!

We have also welcomed some new children into our class community and they have all settled  in amazingly, it already feels like they have been with us all along!