October is here

This week in Lime Class, we’ve had a full schedule of exciting and enriching activities across all subjects! In English, our main focus has been on writing non-chronological reports. We’ve spent time analyzing structure, identifying key features, and creating our own reports. Alongside this, we’ve been exploring poetry by Laura Mucha, a poet we had the opportunity to meet online as part of our attempt at a Guinness World Record. Her work has inspired us to write and respond creatively, deepening our appreciation for poetry.

In Maths, we’ve been working hard to complete our topic on place value. This week, we’ve focused on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and beyond, as well as diving into the concept of negative numbers. Everyone made great progress, particularly with understanding how negative numbers work in different real-life contexts, such as temperature.

Our history lessons have been both fascinating and impactful, as we’ve been learning about the Windrush generation. We’ve discussed their contributions to British society, the challenges they faced, and how their legacy continues to shape modern Britain. These discussions have helped us develop a deeper understanding of diversity and migration in history.

In Science, we took our learning outdoors! We explored the school grounds to investigate how biodiverse our environment is. We observed plants, insects, and other forms of wildlife, identifying different species and discussing what factors influence biodiversity. It was a hands-on and enjoyable way to connect our scientific knowledge with the world around us.

Finally, in PSHE, we revisited the topic of bullying, looking at the different forms it can take and how we can recognize and prevent it. We also had an in-depth discussion about influences and pressures we might encounter in our lives. This tied into our computing lessons, where we learned about the influences we face online, and how to distinguish between facts and opinions. This week has given us valuable tools to navigate both our digital and real-world environments thoughtfully and responsibly.