Pancakes and Skipping

Early Years have enjoyed acting out the story of Jack and the Jellybean stalk this week, using props including hats. The budding actors were so good, we have kept the hats out all week and they have been very busy acting out different stories during their choosing time! This is a great opportunity for communication and language skills as their imagination runs free.

The children learnt about why we celebrate Pancake Day and its links to the Christian celebration of Shrove Tuesday and Lent. They enjoyed making and flipping play-doh pancakes on Pancake Day and even made heart pancakes on Valentine’s Day! We talked about our families that we live with and how we can help them. The children had plenty of super ideas, including cleaning the kitchen, helping with the washing and feeding their pets.

In PE, the children are continuing to work on their hand eye co-ordination as they practised throwing beanbags into the hoops. They are getting really good at aiming carefully. We have also been practising skipping which is harder than it looks! However, the children showed perseverance and kept trying, in preparation for our Skip to be Fit afternoon.

In maths, Ash and Saplings have been thinking about how two numbers together make a total. Using the loose parts, they have been adding wheels to cars and counting the amount of wheels each side. They have then been able to add these numbers together to make a total. For example, 4 and 2 makes 6. There have been some fabulous wonky cars! They have also continued their capacity learning into this week on the tuff tray. There has been a selection of pipettes, containers and coloured water. The children have been very busy creating potions, such as disappearing potions, witch juice and coca-cola potions! There has been plenty of opportunities for mathematical language when discussing how much water is in the containers, including half full, nearly empty and full.

Our forest session on Friday started with our favourite game ‘1, 2, 3, where are you?’ and then we were very busy looking for signs of spring coming.

We ended the term with our sponsored skipping session – we hope you were as impressed with the children’s skills as we were! Thank you so much for coming along to support the children.

Good luck to Isla and her family on their new adventure, we will miss you!

Have a restful week and we’ll see you after half term.