We have been chefs, scientists, mathematicians and poets!

This week in Beech we have been chefs, scientists, mathematicians and poets! In food technology we were delighted to see our plans come to fruition. The children used their plans as well as the skills they have previously practised to make their fruit kebabs. We then really enjoyed eating them and some of us enjoyed new fruits that we hadn’t tried before!

As scientists we have been identifying and classifying mini beats. We went on a hunt in our outside area to see what habitats mini beats like to live in. We used our observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions such as ‘what makes a good habitat for a woodlouse?’ We counted how many mini beats lived in each habitat and used our maths skills to put this into a tally chart.


In year two English we have been writing calligrams (shape poems) we looked at poetic devices like onomatopoeia. We then chose our favourite Christmas items to write about. We are looking forward to sharing our poems with you. In year one we have been busy retelling the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. We have added in some of our own ideas into the middle of the story. Some of our ideas included meeting Father Christmas on the moon and meeting an alien on the moon.

Have a lovely week!