We’ve a job to do… so off we go!

What an exciting week it has been in Early Years! We were thrilled to have all our hard work practising pay off as our Winter Wonderland show was a total triumph! From developing the oracy skill of projection to practising pitch matching with our singing… from our invitations and backdrop creation to our actions and dance moves… the children’s motivation and engagement with this show has been tangible. Not only did the children demonstrate their flair for performance, they also showed brilliant listening and attention skills as the audience for Beech class’ show. Well done Ash and Saplings!

We have been focusing on the skill of working together this week, as we enjoyed making reindeer decorations with partners. It is certainly a challenge to work on a shared vision for any age, but the children did really well, utilising their listening skills and negotiation and they spoke through who was going to draw each part. This activity inspired lots of children to continue working on shared projects into their choosing time too!

The Christmas excitement continued as we headed to the pantomime. The children loved watching Robin Hood, joining in with plenty of boos and cheers!

Choosing time has been filled with exciting narratives of doctors helping patients, forts needing to be built to hide from dragons and families celebrating birthdays with playdough cakes! It has been really lovely to see the children’s friendships blossoming.