Will the real bird watchers please look out!



Lime were still holding onto the Squirrel day from the week before! A group of them were happily exploring in the digging zone but it wasn’t calm for long… Another group built a shelter with some tricky knots and then waged war against the squirrels! Luckily it didn’t last too long as a game of Eagle Eye broke out which was very enjoyable. It’s Pie Day this week, so there were lots of sweetly flavoured mud pies made. Some were decorated beautifully with leaves and sticks.



While putting waterproofs on, someone made a joke about being the Blue M&M, which then turned into a joke about someone actually being Eminem , which then meant that the original Blue M&M joke maker turned into Slim Shady for the session. A concert venue was created in Slim’s honour and he was due to perform to his adoring fans. It then became apparent that Slim didn’t want to perform, so a new Slim took over (keeping up?!) but then, when it came to performing new Slim realised they didn’t know the words, so they sung Murder on the Dancefloor instead…



The Big Garden Bird Watch is this weekend, so it was only right that we made some toilet roll binoculars, tied them up with string and got searching! It was very difficult to keep hold of the binoculars in the wind but they did their best searching for birds. They found the best spot was looking out onto the field. They also started making a ‘demolition site’ which involved putting as many logs as possible in the digging zone. Luckily they didn’t blow them up yet, as it may have scared all of the birds away!



Beech were also excited to find out about the bird watching and made a bird watching station complete with a nest, to lure any birds into the forest. The noise made it a bit difficult to see birds in the forest but it was still good fun. A very dedicated group found the Christmas tree and decided they wanted it to be a Great Redwood. They made gloopy mud and began trying to slap it up the branches with vary degrees of success. They also found some dinosaur bones in the digging zone (but soon realised they were roots).



As Maple were about to leave the stumps, a very exciting discovery was made… A black Beetle of some kind came out of a chunk of log that someone was holding and got stuck to their hand! After it was free, everyone crowded round and realised there was another Beetle inside the log. They decided it was a Stag Beetle and set about carefully trying to free the second one from the log. Elsewhere a massive game of ‘among us’ took place and a taco shop opened up, which was twinned with a pine cone finding business!