Welcome back, everyone! It’s so lovely to be back at school and settled into our routines again, even if the frosty mornings and icy playground have made for a chilly start to the term. The crisp air and glittering frost have brought a little winter magic to our days, and the children have embraced the new term with energy and enthusiasm.
This term, we’ve launched into an exciting new topic all about the geography of the UK, with a special focus on its surrounding seas. The children have started by exploring maps of the UK, identifying the four countries, their capital cities, and the seas that surround us. We’ve used atlases and globes to spot the North Sea, Irish Sea, and more, sparking plenty of curiosity about what lies beyond our shores. The children have loved learning new geographical terms and even sharing stories of seaside visits and beach adventures!
In maths, Year 1 children have been diving into learning about length and height. They’ve been using practical activities to compare objects, measure with rulers, and describe items using key vocabulary such as “taller,” “shorter,” “longer,” and “equal.” It’s been wonderful to see their confidence grow as they make connections between their learning and the world around them.
Meanwhile, Year 2 children have begun exploring statistics, starting with tally charts. The children have enjoyed collecting data from their classmates—counting favourite colours, types of pets, and even the most popular playground games—and representing their findings using tally marks. They’re beginning to understand how to group and organise information and are excited to move on to pictograms next!
In English, the children have been reflecting on their Christmas holidays and writing recounts about their experiences. They’ve practiced structuring their work with a clear beginning, middle, and end, using time connectives such as “first,” “then,” and “finally” to sequence their events. Together, we’ve worked on adding exciting details and using descriptive language to bring their memories to life. From unwrapping presents to playing in the snow, their recounts have been full of joy and festive cheer!
This term, we’re also putting a special focus on handwriting and letter formation. The children are revisiting how to form their letters correctly, ensuring that their writing is neat and consistent. Alongside this, we’ve jumped straight back into reading, both as a class and in individual sessions. Reading remains a cornerstone of our learning, helping to build vocabulary, imagination, and confidence, and it’s been a delight to see the children so engaged with their books after the holidays.