
  • Goodbye and good luck, Year 6! (7/19/2024)

    They say all good things must come to an end … Our final week in Willow Class  at Little Hadham Primary School has been just great!

    Our Year 6 Leavers’ performance on Tuesday evening was a joy to perform and our audience had the best of times watching us on stage.  A few rehearsal photos…

    On Tuesday afternoon we were entertained by ‘Image Theatre’ group as they gave us an interactive performance of The Selfish Giant.

    On Thursday, we took part in our final primary school Sports Day. We cheered each other on, as we have done throughout his year, and had a fantastic morning. From golf to javelin throwing to rugby relay and obstacle courses to ‘beat the goalie’ and much more, we displayed great team spirit and skill. The flat races were, as always, nail bitingly exciting and such fun! Congratulations to the Green Team who were the overall winners.

    On Thursday, we enjoyed a super BBQ! We cooked our own burgers and sausages to perfection and they were absolutely delicious – Jamie Oliver, watch out!

    After all that cooking, what better way to finish our Year 6 Leavers’ evening than with a few water games and a ‘slip and slide’. It was hard to say who had more fun – us or our teachers soaking us with water!

    On Friday, it was time to sign each other’s shirts and say our farewells…

    Wow! What a brilliant year we have had, Year 6! It seems like only yesterday we were at the start of September with a whole year ahead to explore and learn together.

    You have all been super stars and great fun to work with! A huge thank you for your kind words and gifts – they are truly appreciated.

    Have an amazing summer. We wish you the best of luck for the start of secondary school. Shine bright and continue to be awesome.

  • Little Hadham Welcomes The Selfish Giant… (7/16/2024)

    The recent Image Theatre production of Oscar Wilde’s short story, ‘The Selfish Giant’, brought joy and inspiration to the children of Little Hadham. The performance was a vibrant blend of laughter, singing, and storytelling, captivating the young audience and making them an integral part of the experience.

    ‘The Selfish Giant’ is a beautiful and moving tale that delves into themes of selfishness, realisation, and redemption. Through the giant’s journey, both children and adults are reminded of the profound value of generosity. The production skillfully portrayed these themes, engaging the children not just as spectators, but as participants in the unfolding narrative.

    The involvement of the children in the performance added a unique and heartwarming dimension, making the story’s message of kindness and generosity resonate even more. The children’s laughter and singing filled the venue, creating an atmosphere of joy and community spirit.

    Overall, the Image Theatre production of ‘The Selfish Giant’ in Little Hadham was a memorable and enriching experience for all, celebrating the timeless lessons of Oscar Wilde’s cherished story.

  • Take One Picture comes to Little Hadham Primary! (7/12/2024)


    Today we opened the doors for our Whole School Art Exhibition! The event was a heartwarming celebration of creativity and talent, with our children eagerly showcasing their artistic achievements. The turnout was incredible, thank you for attending to support our budding artists.

    It was lovely to see smiles as children proudly presented their work. It was truly inspiring to see the diverse range of artwork, from vibrant paintings to intricate sculptures, each piece reflecting the unique creativity and hard work of our students.

    Many parents expressed amazement at the progress their children have made. Comments like “I couldn’t believe how much my child has improved!” were heard frequently, highlighting the significant development in our pupils’ artistic skills.

    We extend our deepest gratitude to all the parents who attended and supported this event. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to our young artists. We also want to acknowledge the dedication and effort of our teachers, who have nurtured and guided the students throughout their creative journeys.

    Thank you for making this event a memorable success. We look forward to more opportunities to celebrate the achievements of our talented students.

  • Campfire fun at Gilwell! (7/5/2024)

    Another highlight of our trip so far has been the magical evening around the campfire. Willow Class have enjoyed singing songs, sharing stories, and who knew we had so many comedians- oh the jokes kept coming! The laughter around the fire was great to watch, and it’s been heartwarming to see the children bond and support each other.

  • From the top of Gilwell! (7/4/2024)


    Perfect weather today for a spot of rock climbing and crate stacking! They definitely have a head for heights. There was even a spot of singing and dancing once they reached the top!

    Willow Class have truly embodied the spirit of teamwork and adventure as they tackled new heights—literally! From climbing walls to crate stacking, they have been dangling in the air with enthusiasm and determination. Their cooperation and encouragement for one another have been lovely to witness.

    Go Willow Class! This experience is not only building their physical skills but also fostering a strong sense of community. Some soundbites from the top of Gilwell:

    ‘I can feel my heartbeat through my knees!’

    ‘I’m shaken up here!’

    ‘My heart is beating so fast!’



  • We are ready for new challenges! (7/4/2024)

    Willow Class had a good night’s sleep—most of them, at least! This morning, the children were eager for breakfast, oh the excitement, breakfast together is so much more exciting !

    They are all eager and ready for today’s activities and are looking forward to achieving more goals, though some of these heights look rather scary to us!

  • Willow class have arrived at Gilwell! (7/3/2024)

    Willow class have arrived and have immediately immersed themselves in a variety of engaging activities. The teamwork challenge was particularly impressive, showcasing their ability to work together effectively and support each other.

    Additionally, during the “Leap of Faith” activity, they demonstrated incredible climbing skills and resilience. It is wonderful to see them push their boundaries and achieve new heights, both literally and figuratively.

  • Like a Puppet on a String! (6/28/2024)

    Willow Class had a wonderful project on puppetry  that was enhanced further today when they were joined by the Little Angel Theatre.

    They began by watching a short film starring Scoop, who likes to reinvent things and give them new life, and Bertie, a puppet made of recycled objects. They followed Bertie’s adventure as he tried to reach the recycling centre and live out his dreams of being recycled as a kite. They  learnt about the science of plastic bottles and examined the different materials used to make puppets.

    Then they built their own Bertie-inspired puppet. They had to consider how the puppet would move and would be able to show different emotions. They learnt how to make articulated limbs and add movement to our puppets.

    Once the structure of our puppet was finished, we then used recycled materials to decorate. At the end of the session, They learnt how to perform with our puppets, helping to bring them to life.

    So many new skills and so much fun! A big thank you to Little Angel Theatre for working with Willow  today! They had a fantastic morning.

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream comes to Little Hadham! (6/19/2024)

    Shakespeare’s Globe, the renowned theatre company, visited our school today and brought the enchanting story of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” to life.

    The performance was delivered by a single storyteller who skillfully used a variety of props to represent the different characters in the play. The children were thoroughly engaged and animated throughout the storytelling session. It was truly a delight to see their faces light up with excitement and wonder as they followed the magical adventures of the characters.

    This experience was not only entertaining but also educational, offering ourchildren a unique introduction to Shakespeare’s timeless work in a way that was accessible and fun.

  • Chris Lubbe’s Inspiring Visit! (6/13/2024)


    Year 6 had the incredible opportunity to hear a moving talk given by Chris Lubbe, the former bodyguard to Nelson Mandela. Chris shared his powerful story, recounting his experiences during apartheid in South Africa and his remarkable work with Nelson Mandela.

    Chris Lubbe spoke passionately about the events from his childhood that led him to become an outspoken advocate against racism. His heartfelt and inspiring words resonated deeply with everyone present, leaving a lasting impact on both students and teachers alike.

    One of the highlights of his talk was the emphasis on the importance of education, echoing Nelson Mandela’spowerful message: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

    Chris Lubbe’s visit was a thought-provoking and inspiring experience, reminding us all of the profound impact that courage and determination can have in the fight for justice and equality.