Lime Class take us back through the Stone Age to Iron Age!

In an unforgettable finale to their recent exploration of human history, last night, Lime Class dazzled audiences with a captivating performance that brought the transition from the Stone Age to the Iron Age to life!

Combining their singing, acting, and oracy skills, the children took centre stage to demonstrate their deep understanding of how life has evolved through these pivotal periods of history. With enthusiasm and definitely creativity, they painted a vivid picture of the challenges, innovations, and societal shifts that characterized each era.

From the humble beginnings of Stone Age communities to the revolutionary advancements of the Iron Age, Lime Class left no stone unturned in their quest to educate and entertain. Their performance not only showcased their academic knowledge but also highlighted their teamwork, confidence, and passion for learning.

Well done Lime Class, it was a truly magical moment as Lime Class transported everyone on a journey through time, offering glimpses into the lives of our ancestors and the remarkable progress that has shaped the world we live in today.

Also a big thank you to everyone who supported and attended this memorable event and to the staff for all their constant support.

Keep shining, Lime Class!

Exciting Art Adventure comes to EYFS!

This week kicked off with an extraordinary art-filled day that had all the children buzzing with curiosity and excitement. The anticipation began during our busy fingers time as we crafted magnificent crowns, each one fit for royalty! Little did we know, these crowns were just the beginning of our grand adventure.

After lunch, we gathered around a screen eagerly awaiting what was in store for us. To our delight, we were greeted by a friendly face from the National Gallery. She whisked us away on a virtual journey, starting with iconic sights like the majestic lion and Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square. With her guidance, we ventured inside the gallery, immersing ourselves in the world of art.

As we examined a captivating painting hanging on the gallery wall, our fingers danced across its surface, ensuring we didn’t overlook any hidden treasures. From towering pirate ships to gleaming treasure chests, from a splendid castle to the vast expanse of the sea under a sunny sky – we discovered a myriad of wonders within the artwork.

But the adventure didn’t end there! We were then treated to a charming tale of a Queen embarking on a journey to visit a King. With imaginative minds in full gear, we pondered and listed all the essentials the Queen might take with her, the sights she might behold along the way, and the weather she might encounter. With pencils and scissors in hand, we brought our ideas to life. The lady was so impressed by our ideas and drawings! What a grown-up special activity!



Welcome to Little Hadham Primary’s Newest Member…

We’re thrilled to share with you an exciting update from Little Hadham Primary: the launch of our very own Eco Mascot, designed and created by our dedicated Green Team and two of our very own creative parents!

At Little Hadham Primary, we strongly believe that small actions can lead to big changes, especially when it comes to caring for our environment. That’s why our Green Team has been hard at work crafting our Eco Mascot from recyclable materials. This mascot will serve as a symbol of our commitment to environmental stewardship and will play a key role in educating and inspiring our students about sustainability.

Now, we need your help! Our next step is to give our Eco Mascot a name, and we want the entire school community to be involved in this exciting decision. We’re inviting all our children to participate in the naming process.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Encourage your child to think creatively and submit their suggestion for the mascot’s name. Have a discussion altogether as a family and come up with a unique and meaningful name that reflects our school’s values of environmental responsibility.

We believe that involving the whole school community in naming our Eco Mascot will not only be a fun and engaging activity but will also reinforce the importance of teamwork and collective action in making a positive impact on our planet.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for our environmental initiatives. Together, we can make a difference!


Little Hadham Primary’s Runway of Words…

On this World Book Day, the atmosphere at Little Hadham Primary was brimming with excitement and creativity as everyone had the chance to dress up as a word. The school buzzed with anticipation as students and staff alike embraced this year’s theme with enthusiasm and imagination.

From the moment we stepped through the school gates, we knew that something special was afoot. Everywhere you looked, you’d see an array of colorful and inventive costumes, each representing a different word. It was lovely to see all the parents engaged and commenting on the boundless creativity of our school community.

After registration, we gathered for the much-anticipated vocabulary parade assembly. Children and adults alike proudly paraded around, showcasing their word-inspired costumes with flair. It was definitely a sight to behold, with each participant bringing their chosen word to life in unique and inventive ways.

Throughout the day, there was an infectious energy in the air as we explored the rich tapestry of words that make up our language. From simple nouns to complex adjectives, everyone reveled in the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and express themselves in new and exciting ways.

But World Book Day wasn’t just about dressing up and parading around in costume. It was also a day of learning and discovery. As we celebrated the diversity of words, we also deepened our understanding of language and its power to communicate ideas, emotions, and stories.

A goal for World Book Day was to engage in vocabulary, learn new words that we can incorporate into our everyday speech and writing. Thank you Mrs Tweedale for organising, your choice certainly sparked a newfound appreciation for the beauty and versatility of language, leaving us inspired to continue exploring the wonderful world of words.

Bringing Monet to Willow Class!

Today, theThe National Gallery brought their expertise on Monet to Willow class. This workshop was  delivered via Zoom, and the aim was to develop children’s skills in communication, creativity and dexterity. The children learned that Monet captured a changing world with light, colour and a style all of his own. Willow class had fun exploring colour mixing and they learned how to use Monet’s techniques to create their own work describing a place that’s important to them. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon learning, merging education with enjoyment and artistic expression!



Green Team! Green Fingers!

The Green Team captains got together with Mrs Davies this morning and made some plans for different areas in the school. They then got busy sowing seeds and planting.  With warmer weather and plenty of sunshine, hopefully the plants will take off. If you have any seeds or plants waiting to be used, don’t hesitate to send some our way! Our green fingered team are desperate to grow them!

Let the questions begin…!

For the 3rd year running, eight Year 5 pupils were invited to attend the HFL Education annual Year 5 Mathematics Challenge. The HFL Education Year 5 Maths Challenge competition gives Year 5 pupils the opportunity to test their mathematics and teamwork skills to solve questions and problems.

Last year, 260 teams, from Herts and all over England, both State and Independent Schools participated in this friendly competition.

This year, more than 1000 children participated! Children had to work in two groups of four and answer to a variety of questions. A huge well done to Little Hadham Team A (Belle, Thea, Lochlan and Finlay) and Little Hadham Team B (Leo, Caden, Max and Sachin) for challenging themselves with problem-solving, reasoning, estimation, visualisation, memory and arithmetic from across the mathematics curriculum.


Skip 2 Be Fit

Well done to all our classes for taking part in our Skip 2 Be Fit sponsored skip. Thank you everyone who sponsored our skippers. If you still wish to do so the link can be found here:

Skip 2 Be Fit Donation Page

An Inspector Calls!

We are delighted to be able to share the report from our ungraded Ofsted inspection in December 2023. As an ungraded inspection, Ofsted were visiting to ensure we are still a ‘good’ school as last assessed in 2018.  This inspection could not have resulted in a more positive outcome, as the report states that ‘the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now.’ Therefore, Ofsted will re-inspect Little Hadham Primary on the graded framework within a shorter timescale where hopefully they can gather the evidence needed for us to be officially graded as outstanding.

The process was very thorough and of course took the views of parents /carers, staff and pupils into consideration alongside observing teaching, social times and all aspects of our day to day practice.  

We feel incredibly fortunate to work with such amazing children and such talented and committed staff and governors.

We also want to thank all our parents and carers and other family members for their ongoing support.

Enjoy the read!

Ms Connolly

Paramedic Visit

Saplings, Ash and Beech class had an amazing afternoon finding out all about paramedics.

Nick came to talk to the children and explain about his job as a paramedic. He brought lots of his equipment and an ambulance response car.

He talked the children through what number to call in an emergency and which emergency services this covered. The children then had a chance to act out calling 999 taking on the parts such as the caller, emergency operator, ambulance dispatcher, and ambulance crew.

The children found out that there are a lot of special things paramedics have to wear!

When Nick was showing all the equipment he uses he used some willing (?) volunteers. He showed the children what everything does so that if they ever see it being used they know there’s nothing to be scared or worried about.

We finished off be going outside to look at his car and listen to the sirens and see the lights.

The children really enjoyed the visit and came away with comments such as:

“I didn’t know there were 3 different siren sounds”
“It was exciting to see the car, I hadn’t seen one before!”
“He had oxygen to help people breathe”
“You have to phone 999 in an emergency”

Thank you so much to Nick for taking the time to come and talk to the children.


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