School’s Back After Summer!

A warm welcome back from myself to our whole school community. I do hope you had a wonderful summer break, enjoying some lovely family time, wherever you were. I am pleased to say we’ve had such a positive first days, despite the playground fiasco,  welcoming the children into their new year groups. It is an absolute delight to see them smiling, happily bounding back into school. And I can’t believe how much some of them have grown! Everyone has come back refreshed, eager, ready to learn and excited about the new year.

The new children in the Ash and Saplings have settled in so well. This is a big step for them but they are making many new friends and learning the routines! We have also been joined by children in other year groups throughout the school. We are proud of our wonderful school and pleased that parents have chosen to join us and we hope that they will all be very happy at Little Hadham.

You will see from the website in the class page that there are many activities planned for this term. Do look out for your class updates where you will receive information about what the children are learning and any updates.

Kind regards

Ms Connolly