We were so lucky to have a fabulous Skip2Bfit Skipping Workshop this week. The music and positive vibes echoed across the school hall and playground as each class took their turn with the workshop.
Skipping is a fantastic activity for young people; it develops heart and lung fitness, coordination, balance, concentration – the list goes on! Skip to be fit is completely unique as they use their own specially designed skipping ropes with counters. The ropes are also adjustable so each rope can be personalised to the child, unlike other ropes.
One of the most positive aspects of a skipping programme is the massive improvements that our children can make in a short space of time – from being incapable of completing a couple of turns to competence can generally be achieved by regular practice. Skipping also encourages healthy habits and shows children that keeping fit can be fun.
The children felt very motivated, I am not sure if that was to beat the adults too! It was definitely a close competition and we will say no more about that Adeline!!